General Information


  1. Senior Volleyball:  $55.00 per athlete
  2. Junior Volleyball:  $45.00 per athlete
  3. Cross Country:  $10.00 per athlete
  4. Senior Basketball:  $45.00 per athlete
  5. Junior Basketball:  $10.00 per athlete
  6. Senior Curling:  $30.00 oer athlete
  7. Junior Curling:  $15 per athlete
  8. Senior Badminton:  $30.00 per athlete
  9. Junior Badminton:  $15.00 per athlete
  10. Golf:  $10 per athlete

Please make cheques payable to FRONTIER SCHOOL

Without charging a player fee, Frontier School would no longer be able to offer the extensive, excellent sports program that is currently in place. 
There will be NO gas mileage reimbursement for Approved Drivers.

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